Advanced training

Space Law in Russia: main trends and stages of formation and development

    Cource leads

    Learning objectives: 

    Getting knowledge in the field of Space Law in Russia, introduction to the main stages and tendencies of formation and development of Russian legislation on space activities. The course is taught in Russian.

    researchers of science and research institutions
    managers and specialists of space industry organizations
    teachers of higher and secondary educational institutions
    practicing lawyers and attorneys
    state civil servants competent authority
    Thematic plan: 

    1. Start of space activities in the USSR and the emergence of an objective need for legal regulation of public relations which are related to the exploration and use of outer space at the level of domestic legal regulation. The first joint acts of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers, as well as decisions of the Commission of the USSR Council of Ministers Presidium on the military-industrial issues (Military-Industrial Commission) aimed at regulating space activities in the USSR.

    2. The emergence of the first national normative legal acts on space activities. The adoption of the Russian Federation Legislative Act dated August 20, 1993 № 5663-I «About space activities".

    3. The main provisions of the Russian Federation Legislative Act on Space. Management of space activities. The competence of the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation Government in the field of space activities.

    4. The federal executive body on space activities and its legal status. Russian Space Agency, the Russian Aviation and Space Agency, the Federal Space Agency.

    5. The legal status of space objects and space infrastructure facilities in the Russian Federation. The provision of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, which perpetuate the status of space objects and space infrastructure facilities in the Russian Federation.

    6. Legal status of cosmonauts and space infrastructure staff in the Russian Federation.

    7. Ensuring the safety of space activities. Investigation of accidents while carrying out space activities. Search and rescue works, liquidation of consequences of accidents.

    8. Legal regulation of insurance of space activities.

    9. The international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of space activities.

    10. Adoption of the Federal Legislative Act of July 13, 2015 № 215-ФЗ "On the State Corporation for Space Activities" Roskosmos "". The main provisions of the Federal Legislative Act of July 13, 2015 № 215-ФЗ. Adoption of the Federal Legislative Act of July 13, 2015 № 216-ФЗ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with adoption of the Federal Legislative Act "On the State Corporation for Space Activities "Roskosmos". The main provisions of the Federal Legislative Act of July 13, 2015 № 216-ФЗ.

    At the end of training: 
    advanced training certificate
    Form of study: 