
Use of unmanned aircraft for civil purposes

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    The aim of training more professional program is to increase the level of professional knowledge of airspace users among the operators and pilots of unmanned aircraft. In the process of training the existing legal regulation of use for flying unmanned aircraft is seen and analyzed, as well as novels of air legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with the entry into force 30.03.2016 Federal Legislative Act №462-ФЗ of 12.30.2015 "On amendments to the Air Code the Russian Federation regarding the use of unmanned aircraft." The theoretical material is combined with the consideration of practical cases related to issues of administrative responsibility for violation of the use of air space.


    1. The system of the aviation legislation of Russian Federation. International Treaty in the legal system. The concept and features of the normative-legal act. Legal nature of ICAO standards and recommended practices (ICAO SARPS). Federal rules for the use of air space and federal aviation regulations. The legal position of the higher courts.

    2. Aviation as an area of ​​public relations. The concept and features of the aviation activity. The use of air space. Moving through the air space. The activities that can pose a threat to air safety. The flight of the aircraft. The legal status of the airspace user. Review and analysis of the changes in the legal regulation regarding the use of unmanned aircraft.

    3. The definition of the aircraft. Manned aircraft, unmanned aircraft and unmanned aircraft systems. The order of state registration of a civil aircraft. Admission to the operation of civil aircraft. Qualification requirements for the pilot of a civil aircraft. The procedure for insurance of civil liability of operators (pilots) unmanned aircraft.

    4. State regulation of use of air space. State priorities of use of air space. The structure of the air space. Air space classification. Permit and notification procedure of use of air space. Air Traffic Management. Control and supervision of compliance with the rules of use of air space. The authorized body in the area of use of air space. Responsibility for violation of the rules of use of air space. The existing procedure for the use of air space to unmanned aircraft.

    5. Air traffic services: flight information service, dispatching and alerting services. Meteorological Service. The legal status of the Unified System. The structure of the State ATM Corporation. The procedure for applying for a use of air space (Flight Plan). Implementation and deviation from the flight plan. Flights to restricted areas and in the areas of flight restrictions. Flying in the conflict zones. Features of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.

    6. Questions of administrative responsibility for violation of the use of air space.


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