Koloshich Olga

Expert in legal regulation of the use of airspace, air navigation service, air carriage of passengers and baggage, LL.M.
明斯克 (白俄罗斯)
Olga Koloshich


In 2008 – graduated from the Academy of the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Belarus, specialty – economic law.

In 2009 – graduated from the magistracy of the Belarusian State University (BSU), specialty – jurisprudence, Master of Law (LL.M.).

In 2017 – graduated from the graduate school of the National Center for Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus in the specialty 12.00.03. (Civil law; business law; family law; international private law).

Has a certificate of internal auditor of the quality management system according to the international standard ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management System Internal Auditor Training Course ISO 9001: 2015, April, 2015).


From 2008 to 2012 – she worked as a leading specialist in the management of mandatory legal review of legal acts of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk).

From 2012 to 2015 – Leading Legal Advisor of the Aeronautical Information Department of the branch, the Center for Coordination and Flight Support of the BELAERONAVIGATSIA Republican Unitary Air Navigation Services Enterprise (Minsk).

From 2015 to 2020 – she has been the lead legal adviser of the Aeronautical Information Department of the BELAERONAVIGATSIA Republican Unitary Air Navigation Services Enterprise (Minsk).

From 2021 to present – Inspector of Flight Operations Department, Aviation Inspection, Minsk.

Participates in the research work of the Belarusian Transport Research Institute "Transtechnika" of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus to study current issues in the field of international air law taking into account the requirements of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the legislation of the European Union, the Eurasian Economic Union and their implementation national legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Колошич О.Г. Правовое регулирование использования воздушного пространства Республики Беларусь / О.Г. Колошич // Научно-практический журнал «Авиационный вестник». - 2019. - № 1 Декабрь С. 72-77.
Колошич О.Г., Шегидевич А.А., Жукова А.А. Теоретические аспекты и структура управления безопасностью полетов, применяемые государством, согласно Приложению 19 к Чикагской конвенции. Научно-практический журнал «Авиационный вестник» № 3 декабрь 2020. С. 84-90.
Koloshich Olga
Koloshich Olga

Курсы эксперта

  • Olga Antonova
    Antonova Olga
  • Andrey Shnyrev
    Shnyrev Andrey
  • Oleg Aksamentov
    Aksamentov Oleg
  • Olga Koloshich
    Koloshich Olga


    Продолжительность обучения: 3 days - 24 hours

    • Firas Sallam
      Sallam Firas
    • Oleg Bulenkov
      Bulenkov Oleg
    • Olga Koloshich
      Koloshich Olga

      Safety Management System (SMS) of Services Provider: Initial Training

      Продолжительность обучения: 40 hours

      • Firas Sallam
        Sallam Firas
      • Oleg Bulenkov
        Bulenkov Oleg
      • Olga Koloshich
        Koloshich Olga

        Safety management system (SMS) of services provider: advanced training

        Продолжительность обучения: 24 hours