Literature on Air and Space Law - "S"

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | А | Б | В | Г | Д | Е | Ж | З | И | К | Л | М | Н | О | П | Р | С | Т | У | Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш | Щ | Э | Ю | Я


Sallam Firas. "Human Factors Challenges & AI" article for the Middle East Aviator Magazine, Jan-Feb,2022 Edition.
Sallam Firas. (The Aviation "Miracle") article for the Middle East Aviator Magazine, Sep-Oct, 2021 Edition.
Sallam Firas. Aviation Management Challenges and Opportunities in 2020 – Article for "Aviation Horizons" Magazine.
Sallam Firas. Safety-II and Systems Thinking – LinkedIn.
Sallam Firas. “Human Factors-II, AI and the Model of Everything (MoE)” article for the Middle East Aviator Magazine, to be published in Jan/Feb, 2022 Edition.
Savic I. 2019. Spreading the Wings of EU Aviation Acquis. Comprehensive Air Transport Agreements. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. 363 p.
Savic Iva, Brian F. Havel. (forthcoming) Against Hortatory Language in Treaties.
Savic Iva, Radionov, N. Passenger Rights in Cases of Denied Boarding, Cancelled Flight and Long Delays (Part I), Hrvatska pravna revija (Croatian Law Review), IX (2009), No. 9.
Savic Iva, Radionov, N. Passenger Rights in Cases of Denied Boarding, Cancelled Flight and Long Delays (Part II), Hrvatska pravna revija (Croatian Law Review), IX (2009), No. 10.
Savic Iva. (forthcoming) monograph “Europeanization of International Air Law - Air Transport Agreements between European Union and Neighbouring Countries”.
Savic Iva. Airline Mergers – Responding to Market Changes and Inducing New Market Structures, Issues in Aviation Law and Policy, International Aviation Law Institute, DePaul University, Vol. 10, No. 1, Autumn 2010, p. 57-82.
Savic Iva. Carrier’s Loss of Right for Limitation of Liability for Damages on the Goods Carried by Road and Sea, Pravo u gospodarstvu (Law in Business), Vol. 49 (2010), No. 5.
Savic Iva. Compulsory Insurance in Maritime Law, Hrvatska pravna revija (Croatian Law Review), IX (2009), No. 3.
Savic Iva. European Transport Law (Europsko prometno pravo), Eds. Radionov, N. and Marin, J., Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Pravni fakultet, Zagreb, 2011.
Savic Iva. Legal Aspects of Bird Strike, Collected Papers of Zagreb Law Faculty, vol. 62 (2012), No. 4.
Savic Iva. Reaching for the European Sky, Comparative Maritime Law, vol. 50 (2011).
Savic Iva. Revisiting the Formative Years of European Transport Policy, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu (Collected Papers of Zagreb Law Faculty), vol. 59 (2009), No.2-3.
Savic Iva. Some Issues on Responsibility of Banks in Credit Letter Transactions, Pravo i porezi (Law and Taxes), XVII (2008), No. 11.
Schadebach M., Luftraumverletzungen durch Militärflugzeuge. Der griechisch-türkische Konflikt in der Ägäis, 52 Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht 355 (2003).
Schlumberger C.E., Open Skies for Africa: Implementing the Yamoussoukro Decision (2010).
Scott B., The Law of Unmanned Aircraft Systems: An Introduction to the Current and Future Regulation under National, Regional and International Law (2016).
Scott Benjamyn I. Editor and Author, The Law of Unmanned Aircraft Systems: An Introduction into the Current and Future Regulation of UAS under National, Regional and International Law, (Kluwer Law International, 2016).
Scott Benjamyn I. International Suborbital Passenger Transportation: An Analysis of the Current Legal Situation of Transit and Traffic Rights and its Appropriate Regulation’, 14(2) Issues in Aviation Law & Policy 277-311 (2015).
Scott Benjamyn I. Key Provisions in Current Aviation Law, in Bart Custers, The Future of Drone Use Technologies, Opportunities and Privacy Issues, (Asser Press, 2016).
Scott Benjamyn I. Regional Aviation Safety, in Pablo Mendes de Leon, An Introduction to Air Law (Kluwer Law International, 2017).
Scott Benjamyn I. Roadable Aircraft: An Analysis of the Current Legal Environment, 40(3) Air & Space Law 255-269 (2015).
Scott Benjamyn I. The First UK Conviction for the Illegal Use of an Unmanned Aircraft and How it Can Help Improve Regulations within the EU, 4(1) The Aviation & Space Journal 11-22 (2015).
Scott Benjamyn I. The Regulation of Personal Injuries in International Carriage by Suborbital Vehicles under Air Law, 3(2) The Aviation & Space Journal 20-32 (2014).
Scott Benjamyn I., Mendes de Leon Pablo. An Analysis of Unmanned Aircraft Systems under Air Law, in Aleš Završnik, Drones & Unmanned Aerial Systems: Legal & Social Implications for Security & Surveillance, (Springer, 2016).
Scott Benjamyn I., Trimarchi Andrea. Cybersecurity and Extraordinary Circumstances under Regulation 261/2004, (pending).
Scott Benjamyn I., Trimarchi Andrea. Fundamentals of International Aviation Law and Policy (Routledge, 2020).
Scott Benjamyn I., Trimarchi Andrea. The Digital Aviation Industry: A Balancing Act between Cybersecurity and European Consumer Protection, Air & Space Law 42(5) (2017).
Scott Benjamyn I., Trimarchi Andrea. The Montreal Convention in an Age of Automation”, 20 Issue in Aviation Law and Policy 1 (2020).
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. Aeronautical Law Treaty, Bogotá D.C., EDITORIAL DEL PROFESIONAL – 2004.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. Aircraft Bankruptcy, Bogotá D.C. – 2018.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. Articulist of Several Air Magazines, Bogotá, Spain – 1983 – 2007.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. Aviation Motor Propellers Treaty, Barranquilla – 1970.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. Church and State Relations, Concordat, Bogotá – 1979.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. Colombian Aeronautical Law, Bogotá, UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS ANDES – 1983.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. Flight Operations Manual, AEROCÓNDOR, Bogotá – 1972.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. International Aeronautical Law, Military University, – 2012.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. Latin American Contest of German Ethnology, Germany Federal –1968.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. The Legal Business in Colombia, Bogotá – 1979.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. The Political Parties in Colombia, Bogotá, UNIVERSIDAD MILITAR – 1980.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. Treaty Aviation Systems BAQ and BOG – 1972.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. Treaty Inter-American Civil Aviation Commission, Washington D.C. USA – 1997.
Sequera Duarte Alvaro A. Wind Energy in The World, Bogotá D.C. – 2019.
Serrano V.R. Trade in Air Transport Services: Liberalizing Hard Rights// Annals of Air and Space Law. 1999. Vol.XXIV
Sheehan W.M. Air Cabotage and the Chicago Convention// Harvard Law Review. 1950. №63
Sheehan W.M. Air Cabotage. An Examination of the Chicago Convention Definition of Cabotage Rights as it Affects World Rate Controll. - IATA Bull. 1950, June, №1
Shenkman J. International Civil Aviation Organization. Geneva, 1955
Shestakova K. The Dichotomy between the Duty to Provide Information and Security Concerns of a State. Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2012. Volume 55. Eleven Publishing. 2013.
Shestakova K., Duskalieva A. The Moon And Other Celestial Bodies: From The “Province” Towards The “Common Heritage” Of All Mankind? Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2013. Volume 56. Eleven Publishing. 2014.
Shibaev V, Shnyrev A, Bunya V. Unmanned aviation systems: flight safety and critical factors [In Russian]. Aerospace courier. 2011; 1(73): 55-57.
Shubber S., The Contribution of the International Court of Justice to Air Law, в: V. Lowe and M. Fitzmaurice (eds), Fifty Years of the International Court of Justice: Essays in honour of Sir Robert Jennings Part III, Chapter 16 (2007).
Sin J., The Delimitation Between Airspace and Outer Space en the Emergence of Aerospace Objects, 78(2) Journal of Air Law and Commerce 355–380 (2013).
Siow, Yue Chia and Michael G. Plummer. ASEAN Economic Cooperation and Integration: Progress, Challenges and Future Directions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Sipos Attila (Rev). Milde’s International Air Law and ICAO. Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, 28 Series, 4th ed., May 2023, pp. 1-478.
Sipos Attila. A légi fuvarozó kárfelelőssége az utasok baleseteiért. Jogtudományi Közlöny, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia folyóirata, Tanulmány, Budapest, 2016/3. évfolyam, 139–152. o.
Sipos Attila. A légi fuvarozó kárfelelőssége és a légiutas egészségi állapota. JOGI DIAGNÓZISOK. A COVID–19 világjárvány hatásai a jogrendszerre. Társadalomtudomány Kutatóközpont Jogtudományi Intézet, L’Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest, 2021. április, 287-320. o.
Sipos Attila. A légiközlekedés-védelmi nemzetközi szerződések dogmatikája és modernizációja. Jogtudományi Közlöny, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia – Állam- és Jogtudományi Bizottság folyóirata, HVG–ORAC Kiadó, 2021. február, 56-66. o.
Sipos Attila. A légtér jogi státusza és használata. Jogelméleti Szemle, Budapest, 2016/1. sz., 94-114. o.
Sipos Attila. A Nemzetközi Polgári Repülés Joga. Published by ELTE, Budapest, 2018, 1-525. o.
Sipos Attila. A polgári légi jármű jogi státusza. Repüléstudományi Közlemények, Budapest, NKE, 2018/I. sz., 1-27. o.
Sipos Attila. Az emberiség hódítása a világűrben. Űrtan Évkönyv, MANT, Budapest, 2017/68. sz., 67-80. o.
Sipos Attila. Háború és béke. Légiközlekedés, 28. évfolyam, 12. sz., 2000, 12–13. o.
Sipos Attila. International Civil Aviation Law. Regulations in Three Dimensions. Springer Nature, London, 1st ed., May 2024, pp. 1-478.
Sipos Attila. Issues of Ownership and Tourism in Outer Space. Co-author: Upadhyaya, Simran. Space Tourism: Legal and Policy Aspects. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), Chapter 12, 1st ed., February 2024, pp. 187-202.
Sipos Attila. Nemzetközi Légijog – Szabályok Három Dimenzióban. Published by Wolters Kluwer, Budapest, 2015, 1–363. o.
Sipos Attila. Nemzetközi Légijog. Published by ELTE, Budapest, 2021, 1-435. o.
Sipos Attila. The Air Carrier’s Liability for Damage Caused to Cargo. ELTE Annales, Budapest, 2020. pp. 155–184.
Sipos Attila. The Dogmatics and Modernisation of International Conventions on Aviation Security. ELTE Law Journal, Eötvös University Press, 2020/1. pp. 147-167.
Sipos Attila. The enlargement of the European Union: the regulatory impact on the aviation industry: The position of Malév Hungarian Airlines. In European Air Law and Policy: Recent Developments. Brussels: Ant. N. Sakkoulas; Bruylant; Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2005, pp. 137-146.
Sipos Attila. The Legal Implications of the Aviation Industry’s Entrance to the Metaverse. Co-author: Meera Alshamsi. Access to Justice in Eastern Europe (AJEE) Journal, January 2024, pp. 1-22.
Sipos Attila. The Legal Status and Use of National Airspace. ELTE Annales, Budapest, 2018. pp. 141-172.
Sipos Attila. The Liability of the Air Carrier for Damages and the State of Health of the Passenger. Accidents and Diseases (COVID–19). Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies – Acta Juridica Hungarica, Published Akadémia, 61. (1) 2021. pp. 85–112.
Sipos Attila. The Modernisation of Air Carrier Liability. Is the New Montreal Convention the Humble Successor to the Warsaw System? ELTE Annales, Budapest, 2019. pp. 101-119.
Slot, P. J., Dagtoglou, P. D., Toward a Community Air Transport Policy, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, Deventer/Boston, 1989, XII and 387 pp., Dfl. 132, L 31, US $64; Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht, 1990, 130-131.
Sprecher David, "Isral, Terre Promise pour les Franchiseurs Europens", Franchising, Le Magazine Belge de la Franchise, February 1996.
Sprecher David, "The Commercial Laws of the Palestinian Authority and the European Union's Palestinian Authority Policy", The Globetrotter Law Review, March 1997.
Sprecher David, "The Development of Franchised Distribution Networks Some Legal Requirements", PBR, Vol I Number 3, March 1996.
Sprecher David, Grisay, “New Developments in Israeli Commercial Arbitration Law”, Canadian International Lawyer, Vol. 2, No 3, 1997.
Sprecher David, “Incentives for Capital Investment in Israel”, AIJA Seminar Abstracts, published by Kluwer Law International, June 1997.
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Stragier J. Current issues arising with airline alliances// European Air Law Association Conference Papers. 1999. Vol.15
Swinnen B.M.J. An Opportunity for Transatlantic Civil Aviation: from Open Skies to Open Markets?// Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 1997. Vol. 63
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