Literature on Air and Space Law - "L"

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Ladd Smith Henry. Airways Abroad, The Univ, of Wisconsin press 1950.
Lamont C.K., Conflict in the Skies: The Law of Air Defence Identification Zones, 39(3) Air & Space Law 187–202 (2014).
Larsen, Paul B. Aviation Law Cases, Laws and Related Sources. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012.
Lee, Jae Woon and Joseph Charles Wheeler. “Air Carrier Liability for Delay: A Plea to Return to International Uniformity.” Journal of Air Law and Commerce 77 (Winter 2012): 43-103.
Lelieur Isabelle. Chapter "Airport Business & Regulation", Book “Routledge Handbook Public Aviation Law”, August 2016.
Lelieur Isabelle. Law and Policy of Substantial Ownership and Effective Control of Airlines – Prospects for Change” Ed. Ashgate, August 2003.
Lelieur Isabelle. Les accords Bilatéraux [Bilateral Agreements], Journal Spécial des Sociétés, Nov. 2017.
Lelieur Isabelle. L’affaire Ryanair et ses conséquences sur les aéroports [Ryanair business and its consequences on airports]. La Documentation Française, l’Europe des Transports, p.315, sept 2005.
Lindsey J.M. The Legislative Development of Civil Aviation 1938-1958, "The Journal of Air Law and Commerce", vol. 28, Winter 1961-1962, No 1.
Lipman G. Multilateral Liberalisation - The Travel and Tourism Dimension// Air and Space Law. 1994. №3
Lissitzyn O.J. International Air Transport and National Policy, N.Y., 1942.
Lissitzyn O.J. The Participation of the United States in World Air Transport, "The Journal of Air Law and Commerce", vol. 28, Winter 1961-1962, No 1.
Loewenstein A. European Air Law. Towards a new system of International Air Transport Regulation. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 1991
Lord Douglas of Kirtleside. The Progress of European Air Transport 1946-1961, "The Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society", vol. 66, March 1962, No 615.
Lowenfeld et al. A.F., Agora: The Downing of Iran Air Flight 655, 83 American Journal of International Law 318-341 (1989).
Ludwig Weber. EEC transport liberalization and the Chicago Convention” // 1992 Annals of Air and Space Law. Vol. XVII-I.
Lupton G.B., Jr. Civil Aviation Law, Chicago, 1935.
Lutek M., Legal aspects of safety management in civil aviation, International Journal of Synergy and Research, Vol.7, Lublin, 2018.
Lutek M., The unmanned aerial vehicle on the legal horizon-invasion of right to privacy, Law 2.0: New Methods. Conference Papers, Vilnius University, 2019.
Lycklama a Nyholt. Air Sovereignty. Leiden, 1910
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