Literature on Air and Space Law - "I"

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Ide Y. Recent Developments in Air Transport Relations Between Japan and the United States// Annals of Air and Space Law. 1998. Vol.XXIII
Ignarski J.S., Flags of Convenience, in: R. Bernhardt (ed.), II Encyclopedia of Public International Law 404 (1995).
Ismaila, D.A (2013), "The demography and International Travel pattern in Nigerian Air Transport Market" – Contemporary Issues in Transport Development in Nigeria; NITT Book Publication, iSSBN 9781251611 in 2013.
Ismaila, Danjuma; Idris, S; Mahmoud M. A; (2019), Suitability of Turbo Prop Aircraft for domestic air services in Nigeria; (about to be published in Journal of Logistics and Transport).
Ismaila, Danjuma; Idris, S; Shehu, M. A; (2019), Economic Impact of Local Aircraft Maintenance facility on Airlines in Nigeria. - A journal of the Environmental and Social Sciences. ABU Zaria volume 25 №1; June 2019; 159-168.
Ismaila, Danjuma; Warnock-Smith. D. & Hubbard, N. (2014), "The Impact of Air Service Agreement Liberalization; the Case of Nigeria" Journal of Air Transport Management - Elsevier Science Publication, Volume 37, 22 March 2014 Pages 69-75.
Ivanov K. Competition law: between law and economy // International conference of PhD students and young researchers the Interaction of national legal systems: convergence or divergence?// Conference papers, Vilnius University Faculty of Law, Vilnius University, 2014.
Ivanov K. The implementation of principle freedom of establishment in the corporate law of the European Union // Moderno tiesību attistības teorētiskās un praktiskās problēmas // Starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference// Rakstu krājums. Rīga, Sociālo tehnoloġiju augstskola, 2013. – 244 lpp.
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