Travnikov A. International Air Navigation Law

Travnikov A. International Air Navigation Law

Travnikov A. International Air Navigation Law [Text]: tutorial / A. Travnikov. - M .: People's Friendship University , 2013. - 201 p.

It is recommended for use in the educational process in the preparation of specialists in the field of international air law. It is of interest to scientists, post-graduate students and students of legal and aviation higher educational institutions, as well as for aviation personnel engaged in the organization, implementation and maintenance of flights of civil, state and experimental aircraft.



Chapter 1. The international air navigation law - Institute of international air law
1. The concept and the history of the emergence and development of international air navigation law
2. The object of regulation of international air navigation law
3. Principles of international air navigation law

Chapter 2. Sources of international air navigation law
1. The concept of international air navigation sources of law
2. Forms of international air navigation sources of law
a) International agreements as the main source of international air navigation law
b) Customs in international air navigation law
c) International aviation regulations

Chapter 3. International legal status and regime of airspace
1. The concept of "airspace " and its status in international law
2. The concept of activities which is related to the use of airspace
3. The legal regime of sovereign airspace
4. The legal regime of international airspace
5. The implementation of the international legal regime of the airspace in the national legal system

Chapter 4. Legal regulation of air navigation
1. The conditions, which are observed for international air navigation
2. The procedure of organization of airspace
3. The procedure for planning the use of airspace
4. Procedure for coordination and control of the use of airspace
5. International legal questions of the organization of aerospace navigation

Chapter 5. National and international air navigation organizations
1. National air navigation organizations
2. International intergovernmental aeronautical organization
3. International non-governmental organization of air navigation

Questions to consolidate knowledge


Annex 1. The Convention on the Regulation of Air Navigation in 1919

Annex 2. The Convention on International Civil Aviation in 1944

Annex 3. Rules of the Air. Annex 2 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation in 1944 (extract)

Annex 4. Air Traffic Services. Annex 11 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation in 1944 (extract)

Annex 5. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982 (extract)

Annex 6. International Convention on Search and Rescue at Sea in 1979 (extract)

Annex 7. The Antarctic agreement in 1953 (extract)

Annex 8. The agreement on Open Skies 1992 (extract)

Annex 9. Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America on The prevention of incidents on the high seas and airspace above it in 1972

Annex 10. Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain on The prevention of incidents at sea outside territorial waters in 1986

Annex 11. Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on The prevention of incidents at sea outside territorial waters in 1988

Annex 12. Agreement between the area control center of Khabarovsk , Anchorage area control center and the area control center of Tokyo 1985

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